Someone once told me that as you get older, your Holiday Wish List becomes smaller because the things you want in life can’t really be bought…
Don’t get me wrong, I know us girls wouldn’t turn away a new pair of heels in our stockings, LOL, but as we rush through crowded malls, it’s important to slow down and realize what the Holiday season is truly all about.
This time of year is beautiful for so many reasons. The world becomes a fairytale; twinkling lights dancing through the trees, warm smells of cinnamon in the kitchen and soft falling snowflakes kissing your cheeks. Well, maybe not that last part here on the East Coast; It’s been 60 degrees all week!
The holiday season, with all of it’s sparkle and cheer is not only heartwarming, but truthfully inspiring. With all it’s beauty, I can’t help but feel so extremely thankful and blessed for my unbelievable family and friends. I have been so fortunate to call America my home because of their unwavering support and love. More so, in my career, I am blessed for the relationships I have made along the way. I have had the pleasure of working alongside an incredibly talented group of actors, producers, writers and coaches and I’m sending my warmest wishes as we wrap up such a successful year!
This Holiday Season, I remain so blessed and thankful for the gifts that can’t be wrapped; love, family, prosperity, health, joy, and laughter! As an actress, I am also truly thankful for the gift that can’t be given, but is earned; opportunity. In my career, I have learned that hard work breeds new opportunity. As a method actress I am committed day-in and day-out to develop new emotional perspectives to apply to future roles, and I am constantly training to tailor my talents. I look forward to the new opportunities at hand!
It is so important to remember the gifts that can’t be wrapped around this time of year. Some of us are very fortunate to have the lives we live, and I am a firm believer in giving before receiving. I am happy to share that I will be donating my time to the St. Aloysius Food Drive Pantry to help those in need. But giving isn’t necessarily about money or extra time; everyone is busy. You can give by spreading joy and your own positive energy to those around you. Positivity is a beautifully contagious gift!
So what is my Number One holiday wish this year?? I wish for happiness, health and prosperity for all of my family, friends, fans, and those less fortunate.
Sending all my love, from our family to yours, this Holiday season!
XO JamieLee