It seems that recently we are unable to turn on the TV or listen to the news without hearing about the latest hate crime that’s been committed somewhere in our beautiful world. World Leaders have been coming together, calling for peace and an end to violent extremism because it has become very apparent that something needs to change. We need to step away from the notion that violence is an acceptable or justifiable means to solve anything and realize that only when the power of love overcomes the love of power can the world know peace. We need to embrace each other’s differences and love each other!
It’s very important that we do our best to not judge a book by its cover. We need to embrace how different we all are as individuals and be mindful to not stereotype someone because of the actions committed by people of a similar race or religion. How boring would a world be in which everyone was the same?! We are blessed to live in a country in which we have freedom of expression – a right that people in many countries do not have. We should appreciate that freedom instead of chastising those who express themselves in ways we may not agree with.
I have always felt incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to have lived in Manhattan, a true “Melting Pot.” I loved being able to walk out my front door and see the different cultures of the world in a city where people felt comfortable expressing themselves in terms of fashion, sexual orientation or faith however they chose, not having to fear the judgment or actions of others. Of course this isn’t to say that New Yorkers aren’t opinionated, but they live in a way that allows people to make their own choices and co-exist, something the rest of the world should follow. We need to make an effort to continue allowing people to feel this freedom that we, as Americans, are so blessed to have!
While we are definitely going through a scary time, we can’t let these unfortunate events hinder us from living our lives and expressing ourselves the way we want to. I truly believe in the saying “live and let live.” You should feel free to live the life you want and you should allow others to do the same! We are all different and that should be embraced, regardless of how you feel about someone else’s decisions. Violence is never the answer!
Unfortunately, it seems that our world is being faced with terrible conflict and we all need to try to come together to protect our beautiful planet. Freedom isn’t free and we need be on the lookout for each other. If you see something that looks suspicious then you should always say something immediately! You speaking up may save someone’s life. You have a voice: use it for good! We need to unite and be there for each other during this trying time. Let’s band together to show that we stand united against those trying to hurt us and our beautiful world!
“Only when the power of love overcomes the love of power can the world know peace.”