Ever since I saw the movie “Temple Grandin” starring Claire Danes, “Every door is an opportunity” has been one of my favorite quotes. In this film, Danes plays an autistic woman who is advised by her parents to look at each opportunity as an open door to something new. She eventually begins to see everything that she had thought to be scary as simply a new door through which she could enter and have a new experience. Seeing Danes’ character’s world open up after changing her view about how she looked at the “doors” she was presented with was incredibly inspiring and opened up my eyes to a brand new way to look at things! We all know that trying new things or doing something where you’re unsure about the outcome can be scary! But once you decide to make a decision about something, you’ve already taken the first step!
What is holding YOU back from taking YOUR first step? Did you ever take the time to sit down and really think about why you’re not going through all of these doors you’re presented with? I have learned that one of the main reasons that people don’t act on opportunities that they are presented with is because they have fear. Whether it is fear of failing, fear of being embarrassed or the fear of change, there is something from inside telling us that we can’t do it or that we’re not good enough. I know this feeling because I’ve had it myself! I am human just like the rest of us, so I know what it’s like to be scared of the unknown. Fortunately for me, I have never let the fear of failure or the unknown hold me back! Instead of being held back by fear, I am more inspired and motivated to do things in SPITE of the fear! I like to trust my gut when making big decisions because at the end of the day, I know myself and what I am capable of. If something scares you, let yourself have some time before throwing yourself into something you don’t think you’re ready for! Trust your gut and you’ll know when the right time will be.
Every opportunity we get to experience, whether they be positive experiences or simply experiencing fear, is an opportunity to learn and grow! By opening up and allowing ourselves to take these chances, we are opening up our lives to incredible possibilities! In the film, Claire Danes’ character starts to envision actual doors that she can walk through. This visualization of imaginary doors was so fascinating to me because these fake doorways opened up her life to so many more experiences! The more experiences you endure, the more knowledge you gain and the more complex you become – you just need to allow yourself to take that first step and see what happens next! Even if the outcome is not what you had hoped for, it is all in line with the plan that God has for you! Each outcome to each experience will lead you to the next set of doors that you’re destined to walk through!
Since seeing this film and envisioning each opportunity as a door, I find that I am able to really own my decisions! Each time I make a decision I dedicate myself fully to the new world I am committing to. Every time I walk into an audition, as soon as I commit to opening that door I am dedicating myself fully to that new venture! Each time I walk onto a movie set, unaware as to how the day will go, I am living in a world of opportunity that I am experiencing because I made the decision to try something! How cool is that!? Once I started looking experience this way I started to see the world as an endless canvas of opportunity! Instead of seeing each new door as a challenge, look at it as a highly beneficial experience and an adventure in learning something new! With the right mental attitude and enough faith in ourselves, we can completely reframe the way we experience challenges!
Through seeing each experience as an opportunity to better myself, I am able to chase my dreams with more inspiration and determination. As an artist and very visual person, I was particularly moved by Danes’ visualization of the doors. I now see every opportunity that I am presented with as a choice. I can choose to open the door and go after what is on the other side, opening up a whole new world of possibilities, or I can choose to walk away! When I encounter something unexpected in my path, I strategically weigh the pros and cons of my options, consult with my gut feeling and make the decision I think is best for me! I recommend you always trust your gut. For me, it has been a great guide who has rarely (if ever!) failed me. Nobody knows you better than yourself – so trust yourself!
God gave us all this life so that we could take chances, try new things, learn and test our limits! He wants us all to succeed and every time he presents us with a new opportunity, he is giving us a chance to change our lives and test ourselves! God knows what we are capable of and wants us to succeed. That is why he put us on this earth! He has given us this life with the hope that we can be our best and most powerful version of our self, so go and live the best life you can imagine for yourself! Remember that there is no right or wrong decision that you make and that everything you do is part of God’s plan. Learn from your mistakes so that when you reach your next “door” you will know how to approach it and succeed! Believe in yourself and know that God is on your side cheering you on! He is giving you these opportunities for a reason because HE knows what you are capable of – the rest is up to you! Give yourself the chance to shock yourself with just how much greatness you are truly capable of! Once I started trusting in myself and my abilities, I learned that the sky is the limit and I’ve been in flight ever since!