Happy New Year!!

IT’S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN TO 2015!!!! There is a fresh new year right around the corner with a brand new opportunity for you to be the person you want to be! The question is: what will you do with this wonderful opportunity that you are so blessed to have?

This is the time of the year where I look back at the past year and reflect on the ways that I grew as a person. I also reflect on the things I hope to improve about myself and what I hope to accomplish in this New Year. Tomorrow, January 1st, marks the first page of our brand new stories! We’re the authors, what is the story you want to tell this year?

This is such a magical time because it’s the one time of the year where we get the chance to start over. We get a clean slate and can start the New Year being the person that we want to be! We can make the mental decision to change our perspectives and re-invent ourselves to be the best versions of ourselves. We have the power and now we have the opportunity so let’s make the most of it!

I am looking forward to making 2015 my best year yet! There is so much I hope to accomplish and there are so many valuable lessons that I’ve learned in this past year that I’ll be bringing with me on my journey through 2015. Whether you’ve had good experiences or bad experiences in 2014, it is equally important that you take something away from all of them. Learning from your experiences is one of the most vital things in life as this helps us to grow and will (hopefully!) lead us away from making the same mistakes twice.

I have very high goals for myself because I know what I am capable of and I encourage everyone to hold themselves to similar standards. I have learned that we, as individuals, are our own biggest fans but also our own worst enemies. When we finally allow ourselves to get out of our way, we can develop ourselves into the people that we want to become and do the things that make us truly happy. This year, let’s give ourselves the gift of chasing our dreams. Make 2015 the year that you stop allowing your dreams to be just “dreams,” and instead start your journey to making them your reality! Making my dreams my reality has been the best thing that I’ve ever allowed myself to do and I have never been happier!

Nobody said that reaching your goals or chasing your dreams would be easy, but the desire to change starts and ends with you. If you don’t want it, you’ll never get it. Let this be YOUR YEAR!

Being an actress is like being on a roller coaster. Landing a role is the best, most fulfilling feeling in the world! It brings all sorts of wonderful emotions such as pride, accomplishment, joy and excitement! However, when you’re finished filming you spend your time tirelessly researching for your next great role while you long to be back in front of the camera where you belong.

I have never doubted that this is what I am meant to be doing, so I use my time between roles to improve myself as much as possible by taking classes and lessons and focusing on the temple that is my body. For me, 2015 will be focused on getting more great acting roles and improving my acting skills. Self-improvement is so important, regardless of where you’re at in life or which industry you’re in!

I encourage you to spend this year trying to figure out what makes you truly happy because you deserve it!We are all unique individuals and that makes us all different and beautiful in our own ways! We have been blessed to make it to the beginning of another year, so go and try new things and realize that it is ok to fail!Our failures and struggles only make us stronger and more experienced, and those are experiences that help us to grow!

Sometimes you have to go down the wrong paths in life to realize that they aren’t where you’re meant to be. Your “right path” that will lead you to fulfillment and happiness awaits you; you just need to make the effort to find it! And when you do find it, you’ll be amazed at how deeply, truly happy and satisfied you are with your life; you’ll radiate pure joy! Make 2015 the year that you find this joy! I wish you all the best in this brand New Year and hope that your journey to chasing your dreams is a successful one! I am here for you and I am so appreciative of your support of my journey!! XO