Perfection Is In The Eye of The Beholder

There is a well-known quote that says “perfection/beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” I have come to realize how true these words really are and If you’ve read my previous blogs, you may have gotten the idea that I can be am quite a perfectionist! I hold myself to incredibly high standards and want everything that I do to be the best it can possibly be. This quality has allowed me to reach incredible heights and accomplish some pretty amazing things, and I’m still working hard every single day to make my dreams my reality! This is not to say that I am perfect or ever will be, but I am and will always be a work in progress, always striving to improve myself! What I have learned is that we need to be objective with everything we do and see the beauty and progress in all of our efforts! While there is nothing wrong with striving to be the best you can be, you also need to understand that perfection is oftentimes in the eye of the beholder!

Something that has become very clear to me is that just because something is perfect to me does not necessarily mean that it is perfect to someone else. I may think that I killed it in an audition, but the casting agents could have been looking for something different.

At the end of the day, they are the ones casting for the film and therefore their vision is what will ultimately be realized. I just need to respect that they have a vision for the character and I could simply be the wrong height for all I know. So yes, of course I do get upset when I find that I was not what the casting director was looking for, but ultimately I know that more opportunities will come my way and I have to respect the vision of the decision makers. By not being offered a role, for whatever reason, I look on the bright side, which is the fact that I will have more time to prepare for other opportunities. When one door closes, an even better one is probably right around the corner!

Everyone is unique which is such a beautiful thing. Our individuality helps shape what we believe to be the best and how we make our choices! Just because I love a photo and think it is beautiful doesn’t mean someone else will and neither of us are wrong. We simply have different ideas as to what “beautiful” is! I can also relate this to fashion, as I have always had a tremendous love for all things fashion! There are times that I watch runway shows and think to myself “wow, that’s really creative but not really for me.”

As an artist myself, I realize that this is somebody’s art that they are incredibly proud of, which they should be because they created it. Many people do not appreciate or understand how much time, work and effort go into creating art and therefore may have different levels of appreciation for it. Without the different opinions of others, we would not excel to greatness because there would be no motivation to try. If everyone had the same opinions, there would be only one standard to measure things against and our world would be bland and monotonous. We are all entitled to our opinions and should always make it a rule to appreciate the fact that we are all entitled to having our own opinions.

I have also found that art and design can sometimes take time to absorb and understand. My husband had purchased a Robert Rauschenberg Lithograph that I really disliked for a while. Over time, however, I came to really appreciate it, enjoy it and, would you believe, even love it! I recall talking to a friend about this change in appreciation and she brought up how she sometimes felt that way about new songs she’s heard on the radio. One day she could think it’s terrible and then she’d find herself dancing and singing along to it a couple weeks later! As we grow, our opinions and appreciations change which is why beauty and perfections are relative: it’s all about how you see things!

Being an actress makes it a little tricky to be a perfectionist. I attempt to really understand each character I read for and spend a lot of time with each script I am presented with to figure out my character and her choices to the best of my ability. I know going into these readings that I won’t know for sure whether or not I gauged a character correctly until I hear the feedback from the decision makers themselves, which is something I’ve learned to live with! Naturally, I love to prepare as best I can for these roles, which I do! This is simply a part of the business where I have to do my best and hope that it aligns with what the people casting and directing think are best!

I have learned that as long as you are trying your best in all that you do, you’re on the right path! I dedicate myself fully to everything that I believe in and I go to sleep each night knowing that I tried my best. What is great about having high standards for yourself is that you know that you’re working hard and it gives you a great sense of confidence going through life! You may not be the best at everything you do, but you will know in your heart that you worked hard towards your version of “perfection” and it’s a great feeling! I hope you all put your heart and soul into making your dreams your reality and being your own version of “perfect!” I will leave you with a favorite quote of mine that I hope will inspire you to aim high in all that you do!

“Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”