I am always amazed at how the small things in life can really change your day. A simple smile from someone you love or even an unknown face can really lift your spirits. I have experienced this throughout my life whether it’s me graciously sharing my happiness with a smile or when I am having an off day and someone else shares his or her smiles with me. It’s such a simple concept and such a simple thing to do; yet we sometimes forget to offer our smiles to the universe!
We’ve all had those days where we just wake up on the wrong side of the bed in a funk. If you’re like me, you’ve had days where this has happened and you walk into someplace, say a coffee shop, where someone randomly shares a smile with you and you suddenly feel your spirits lift! It’s such an amazing feeling! It’s also incredible to think that each of us have the ability to be THAT PERSON who can lift someone else’s spirits by simply smiling!
I have gone through hard times where I really didn’t have a smile in me. During these times, I was blown away by how a genuine smile from a stranger could have such a profound effect on me and my mood! I truly believe that God put these people in my path for a reason and to remind me that things can get better. When I see people who look down, I always make it a point to give them a smile or a truthful compliment about something positive I see in them. I believe God put me in their path so that I could be that positive encounter for them. I always make sure to pay it forward with the best smile I can muster up that day! A smile can do more than lift someone’s spirit, it can also temporarily save them from their demons and in some cases, can potentially even save their life!
You can never be sure who could really use a smile. Luckily for us, smiling is free and you can offer them to everyone you see! We’ve all heard the line “smiling is contagious” and it could not be truer! When I see someone with a big goofy grin on their face for no apparent reason (to me, at least!) I can’t help but smile myself! I find myself feeling happier because they are happy – even if I don’t know them! It’s a wondrous and magical thing :)
Speaking of “magical things,” one of many reasons that Disney World is considered “The Happiest Place on Earth” is because everyone there is always smiling! From the guests to the workers, everyone is happy and happiness is contagious! I think the world has something very valuable to learn from this “happiness karma” that Disney embodies so well!
While smiling and positive energy are contagious, the same can be said for negative energy. Be mindful of the energy that you’re putting out to the world because unfortunately you could just as easily put a damper on someone’s day as improving it! Keep in mind: you get more with honey and it costs nothing to be nice or smile :)
If you’re looking to contribute to our universe and don’t have the time or money to donate to a good cause, donate your smiles and positive energy to the world! You’d be surprised by how much you’re contributing to those who you may not even be aware are in need of your kindness and good energy! You have so much power in your smile, so use it as much as you can! The universe will appreciate you even more for this free and seemingly small contribution! XO