God has always been a big part of my life. He has been there to help get me through the toughest times of my life and he has also been there with me through the best times of my life! Whether you believe in God or a higher being, I believe there is a master plan that has been set forth for each of us that he is guiding us through at all times. Whether you’re going through good times or bad, take solace in knowing that you are never alone!
Praying has such a positive impact on my soul and spirit. I know that God can hear me and I feel such peace and serenity after speaking to him. I also feel inspired to be the best person I can be and to work as hard as I am able. In order to be successful in anything, you have to set yourself up for success to the best of your ability by working hard and doing all that you are capable of. Then I pray for the strength and guidance to work even harder and that my hard work will pay off so that I can use my good fortune to help others.
Praying has such a powerful effect on me because it really helps me to put things in perspective. Among many other things, I pray for things like peace on earth and for terrorists to be stopped before they can do any more harm. I feel and pray for the people suffering all around the world from the horrific acts of terrorists. I pray every day and night for the world powers to come together as soon as possible to put a stop to this. While I wish I could stop the wars myself, I can only hope that my prayers will be heard and answered and that the world will find peace.
Through praying for things as massive as these, we realize how small and trivial our problems really are. We are blessed to have air in our lungs and a roof over our heads, which is more than many can say. Take time to direct your prayers to those less fortunate than you. God is on our journey with us. Try to remember that he will provide us with not necessarily what we want, but what we need. Through hard work and dedication combined with the help of prayer, we can aim for everything else.
I feel such peace knowing that God is on my lifelong journey with me. Through prayer, verbalizing my dreams and goals, I bring them to life and find new inspiration to work for them in knowing that he is with me! I am able to live my life with a sense of serenity knowing that God has a plan for me.
We have all struggled in life and will continue to face our fare share of difficult times. In my lowest times when I was at my worst and most afraid, unable to see the light, knowing God was there with me, continuing to guide me through my journey, helped me to realize that I was going to be ok. Every experience we endure is for a reason and is part of God’s master plan for us. All we have in this life are our experiences and we should try to find peace in the fact that God is providing us with life experience to make us stronger! There is a lesson to be learned in each experience, so open your heart to the great lessons of life.
Praying in the morning helps me visualize what I want to accomplish that day as I thank God for giving me another day to chase my dreams. My prayers before I go to sleep allow me to reflect on how much I accomplished that day given this amazing opportunity as I continue to thank God for all of the blessings he has given me.
Starting and ending my days with prayer allow me to have such inner peace. Through praying for the health of my loved ones, thanking God for the people in my life and asking him to bless our beautiful planet, I feel closer to God and have peace in my soul.
I would love to hear how you find peace in YOUR life! Please comment below with your answer! XO