“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” – Bil Keane
Nearly two weeks ago now, the world was shocked with the devastating Isis attacks in Paris. My heart aches for the beautiful city and it’s beloved people. The city of love, of wonder, of bliss has faced so much hate and destruction and I honestly still can’t wrap my mind around why any one person or organization would want to cause such immeasurable pain.
With all of these terrible global happenings occurring as the Holiday Season approaches, my heart breaks to think of families that have been ripped apart and the amazing lives that have been taken before their respectful time. I think of all the unfinished dreams and the unrequited love and I truly feel helpless and heartbroken. I find myself wondering, “How can I help heal the pain? How can I spread love and joy?”
You see, I have unfortunately faced a lot of tragedy and pain in this lifetime. Each moment I felt down-on-my luck or that I could not go-on, I had to remind myself one thing; Today is truly a gift, and you have to make the most of the situation at hand. Think of all the great stories- the epic bedtime tales, the tear-jerking movie scripts; those heartwarming moments that really opened up your soul. What do they all have in common?
The characters that you fell in love with, the ones that you connect with, they were all warriors. They kept their faith, they kept their passion, and they battled hardship until they captured their dreams. This is so important to remember in such times of darkness and despair.
With that being said, I have realized there is a way to help those that are suffering; be the change you want to see in the world. Though I can’t personally be on the ground in Paris offering my support, in honor of those lives lost and those who are overcoming life’s burdens, I have vowed to personally spread as much happiness, love and laughter as humanly possible. I will aim everyday to be even more helpful, humble, giving and kind. As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog, positivity is contagious, and we each have a personal responsibility to ignite hope and belief in everyone around us.
We must always remember that there is good in this world, and it is worth fighting for. We are all warriors, all blessed and talented enough to overcome adversity, and we can always make a difference. Love is stronger than hate!
Paris, you are in our hearts <3